Art of Living

Creating a one world family

Vaidic Traditions

We offer a wide range of traditional Vaidic Pujas, Homas, Upanayanam, and other Vaidic Rituals. We help you enjoy it all with all facilities at the beautiful campus of our Itanagar Ashram or at your desired location in Arunachal Pradesh.

purnaat jayate iti puja
If we sit in meditation, the glow within the body will brighten, and will expand and spread outside. This is Devi Puja - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Puja, Homa and the Importance of Sankalpa

How is Puja/Homa Performed

Every Puja and Homa is performed according to the Vedic tradition. They are conducted by learned and experienced vedic scholars (pundits), that are part of our Sri Sri Gurukul. All of them have undergone a formal education and rigorous training in the field of Vedic Studies for a minimum of 6 years and have also undergone rigorous practical training and have received guidance from H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Importance of Sankalpa

Sankalpa is derived from two words ‘SAT’ (which means Guna) and ‘KALPANA’ (which means imagination). So Sankalpa means a good intention. During the pujas we bring the mind from the vastness of time and space to HERE NOW. Vedic Mantras are chanted has an effect on our being ; the ancient Rishis figured out which sound created what impact on brain and that is how the Mantras were created. The mantras chanted during the puja is the process of making the sankalpa manifest. Just as Sunlight is present everywhere, but when we keep it under a magnifying glass it creates fire. Sankalpa is like a magnifying glass. Attending the puja’s is definitely very beneficial, but taking a sankalpa makes it more powerful. The choice is yours.

How to take Sankalpa

We conduct various pujas and homas on request by devotees for specific purposes. Devotees can take sankalpa for various pujas and homas organized at Art of Living, Itanagar ashram campus or other parts of the country also.

Puja and Its Significance

In Sanskrit ‘puja’ is defined as “purnaat jayate iti puja”, which means ‘that which is born (jayate – ja) out of fullness (purnaat – pu)’. So puja means the spontaneous happening which is born out of the fullness and contentment of the Self.

Puja is an innocent playful process reciprocating the supreme love of nature. The state of mind with which the puja is performed, the various materials (samagri) used and the chanting (mantras) which is done during the puja, all have a profound effect on the environment. The vibrations purify the place and people present. Puja is a meditation, it is a yoga. The feeling of oneness of the worshipper and the worshipped, is the realization of the true nature of the Self.

What is Rudra Puja?

Rudra Pooja is an ancient practice followed in India since time immemorial. ‘Rudra’ means ‘Shiva - the Benevolent', ' the Destroyer of Evil'. 'Pooja' means that which is born out of fullness. Through this Pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment. In this Pooja, Lord Shiva is worshipped in his Rudra form.

It is hailed by all Vedic scriptures as one of the greatest Poojas to remove all evils, to attain all desires and for all-round prosperity. Scriptures on Astrology prescribe this emphatically as a remedy for several planetary doshas.

Why do Rudra Pooja?

The world is a play of energy: negative and positive. When we pray to Shiva – the Lord of transformation - the entire negative energy around us in form of disease, depression, and unhappiness gets transformed into peace, prosperity and joy. Then peace surrounds us in body, mind and soul.

How is the Pooja Performed?

This Pooja is performed with a crystal 'linga'. Each ancient mantra that is chanted gets absorbed in materials like curd, milk, ghee, honey etc. which are used as offerings in the Pooja. It is then offered to Lord Shiva with reverence, love and gratitude. Specially trained Pandits and Veda students from the Veda Agama (Vedic school) perform this special Pooja. The chanting of the mantras is so pure and meditative that it takes one to a different plane.

Homa and Its Significance

Homa is the most ancient and sacred ceremony in the Vedic tradition. In the presence of the fire element, Agni, the forms of the divine are invoked by the power of mantras and profound spiritual intention (sankalpa). Special offerings are cast into the fire while Sanskrit mantras are chanted. The element of fire is associated with the upward motion of the divine energy and is considered to be the most powerfully purifying element.

The vibrations created by the Homa have a profound effect on the atmosphere and surroundings. All homas are performed with an intention of universal happiness and peace: “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu, Om shanti shanti shanti”, which means ‘may everyone be happy, may there be peace everywhere’. Apart from this, every specific homa will have a specific effect or benefits, depending on the type of energy the homa invokes and enhances (the ‘devata’ or divinity invoked).

Significance of Durga Homa

Durga in Sanskrit means "invincible". The synonym of "du" is poverty, sufferings, evil habits and famine. The "r" refers to diseases and the “ga” destroyer of sins, injustice, non believer, cruelty and laziness.

Benefits of participating in Durga Homa

Durga frees you from fear of death, hell, jealousy, gives patience, courage, spirituality and protects from troubles etc.

Legend of Mahishasura

Brahma pleased with Mahishasura gave him a boon saying that he will not be killed by a Man. This made him create terror to all gods who ran to Vishnu for protection. The lord with all other gods created a beam of fierce light at a place where Katyan priest lived. The light took a female form that spoke in Rig-Veda saying that she was the supreme Brahman, she was Goddess Durga.

Mahishasura underestimated the power of a woman and could not fight a fierce battle with Durga. Finally the demon emerged into a half buffalo form; the light emitted from Devi's radiance cut the demon’s head signifying the death of inertia and evil.

For Information about Pujas and Homas or to Host a Puja or Homa at your home or office please contact Ramchandran (8132897514, 8794273625)